I am an AI researcher and software engineer striving to create something that will lend itself to positive change.
Worked with a team on Reinforcement Learning research regarding a novel reward shaping function and it's implementation within various RL algorithms.
Implemented a multi-agent tree search architecture in Python, building upon the AlphaGoZERO MCTS Pytorch implementation.
Designed grid-world environments with cooperative and adversarial games, as well as unit tests for environment functionality.
Automated large-batch training and log-gathering for experiments running on the remote computing cluster.
Co-Authored journal submissions contributing to the architecture, experimental, and supplementary sections.
Operating Systems, Natural Language Processing, Discrete Mathematics 2, Processes of Object Oriented Design, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science 1/2, Systems Software, Regression Analysis in R, Applied Bayesian Statistics, Categorical Data, Nonparametric Statistics
GPA: 3.75
Intro to Web Dev, Java programming, Physics with Calculus
GPA: 4.00
GPA: 3.43
Guitarist, singer, and songwriter of HEAD BANNED.
I produce music and organize shows throughout Central Florida. Featured below is the most recent of the six albums I have written and produced.
Maintained a greater than 3.5 GPA my whole time at UCF.
Assisted club leaders with workshops, delivered lectures such as the one shown below
Voted by Orlando Weekly staff and the public to be a finalist for Best Folk Act in Orlando.
MedCluster is an algorithmic emergency response time optimizer. We inputted coordinates from Seattle's 911 call data into a K means clustering algorithm that found the ambulance/hospital placement that would allow for minimal emergency response time. I continue to be interested in the K means algorithm given it is a backbone of machine learning.